Terms of Use
All plans and designs offered by EXTRA HOUSE are protected by copyright, and the intellectual property is owned by UNIVERSAL UNLIMITED, LLC. Similar to books, music and works of art, architectural plans are considered intellectual property and are federally protected. These copyright laws prevent anyone from copying or reusing the plans or design without written permission from the copyright owner. Violations of copyright may result in significant liability, including court costs and attorneys’ fees. Simply tracing our plans and making small changes may still be a violation of copyright.
Respect copyright law! Don't copy designs or floor plans you find online. It is illegal to create construction drawings of home designs found in any plan book, electronic files or on the Internet unless you own the copyright or have the permission of the copyright holder.
Penalties for copyright infringement can be significant. Violators may be required to pay statutory damages up to $150,000.00, actual damages, profits made, and the copyright owner’s reasonable attorney fees.
When you purchase a SCHEMATIC SET or a CONSTRUCTION SET from us, we authorize you to construct that design one time, and to make copies as needed in the course of constructing that home. We retain the copyright to that design, even when selling the right to use it to construct a home. We do not authorize you to make copies to give away or sell to other persons except as directly related to the construction of that one home. If you wish to construct multiple homes based on our designs, please contact us and we will gladly help!
Our plans are drawn in general conformance with the International Residential Code, and every effort is made to comply with the current version of that code. However, we do not warrant that the plans specifically depict conformance with all aspects of the code, nor do they necessarily comply with all local or state ordinances as they vary widely across the country. Our plans are generic in nature, and are intended to be adapted by competent licensed General Contractors who are familiar with local codes and requirements. It may be necessary to make certain changes to the plans in order to comply with specific local requirements. Additionally, it is the Contractor’s responsibility to make sure that all construction materials, fixtures, equipment, and appliances are installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and instructions. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to ensure that the project is allowed by local zoning ordinances, HOA requirements, and to ensure that all applicable permits are obtained.
Our liability is specifically limited to the purchase price and/or total fee charged for our plans. We are not responsible for changes made by others to our plans, or for issues caused by not strictly following the plans.